St. George Syriac Orthodox Christian Church of Bethany, Oklahoma is under the leadership of the Patriarch of Antioch and the Archbishop of North America appointed by the Throne of Antioch. Members of our congregation include Malayalee families from various parts of Kerala, India who reside within the State of Oklahoma.
On the 8th day of April 1983, “St. George Syrian Orthodox Christian Church” was registered as a religious corporation in the state of Oklahoma. In the year 1985, it became part of the Malankara Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church in North America under the flag of the Holy Patriarch of Antioch and All the East. The newly constructed Church was consecrated on September 1st and 2nd, 2000.
Service TimesSunday Morning Prayer - 8:45am Holy Qurbana - 9:30am First Sunday of Each Month - English Service Saturday Evening Prayer - 7:00pm Vicar
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